Rose ~ Chic ~ Friends: My blog is all about you; friends and sharing lifes journey...My love for all things Chic; repurposed, crafted, painted in many venues... and My LOVE for all things Roses! which show up in my home and created projects.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

PINK Saturday ~ MARCH 14th


I have decided to show you just a few of my favorite PINK things today..which just happen to be some of my FAVORITE things....ROSES. Did that make any sense at all? lol I am keeping it simple but PINK today. ENJOY!!!

This darling BUNNY Cloch is new to my etsy store. He looks so much better than any picture can depict. Don't you just hate how hard it is to get a good picture of some things? Well..this is one of them for me!!! Oh Well, he is COVERED in PINK roses!

Be sure to stop by Beverly's to see our other PINK participants. Have a delightful day of PINK!



Jennifer said...

Lorena That little Bunny Cloche is so sweet!Happy Pink sat.Love ya,Jen

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said... favorites too! Happy Pink Saturday ~ Susan

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

Beautiful arrangements!

~ Gabriela ~

Vintage To Chic said...

Morning Lady, I love the tray and the bunny should sell quickly, Hope you have a great week

♥Mimi♥ said...

One day of the week I get to truly indulge my ♥ for pink and today, you sure have made me happy! Thanks so much!

Char said...

How could anyone not love roses and yours are beautiful. Thankyou for sharing that with us. Char
My post is on someplace in thyme and not english cottage rose

Amy @ Keep'n The SunnySide said...

Beautiful roses!

Anonymous said...

Happy pink Saturday Lorena.

Such a sweet lil' bunny.


My name is Riet said...

Beautiful roses. Happy pink Saturday

Claudia said...

I love that tray! So beautiful! Happy Pink Saturday!

Rebecca Nelson said...

Dear Lorena,

How SWEET for you to write my friend! Thank you so much for visiting my Bloggie! :) I sooo welcome your visit and hope you will return over and over again!

Isn't life strange how it works out? I've always known that one day I'll understand God's ways...I don't always... I, like you, am soooo thankful for my children. I have youngest is 24 now (can't believe it). Both Brandon and Adrienne and JOYS in my life. I have a little 6 year old granddaugher who is precious, too. She is here with me while her mommy and daddy celebrate their anniversary. I can tell by your words how much you adore your girl. Isn't God good? There is surely a difference between one child and none....

Blessings to you my friend....I soooo loved hearing from you!

Hugs and love...Rebecca


Hi Lorena,
I will keep a look out for animal S&P for you. What price range are you looking for??(cheap..but I need a figure :)
The bunny cloche is very sweet!!!
Are those real roses? They are so pretty.
Happy Pink Saturday to You.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Happy Pink Day, Lorena! Wonderful pinks, especially the roses. Bunny is cute too.
Have a wonderful weekend.


Samantha said...

Your pinks are beautiful, thank you for sharing !

Connie said...

I'm finished with the dress so I'm not doing the PS chicks, honey. Takes me all week to do it now.

Chandy said...

They look awesome! Nice choice for today! Happy Saturday!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lorena... Just loved seeing all of this wonderful PINKness 'n Roses... Everything's very pretty!

Glad you were able to stop by for a visit, and am delighted you enjoyed my Irish Vintage Post Cards... Such a shame that you're so far away from beloved family... And, yes, you may send any of those cards to your Mom... I really appreciate your kind comments and that you asked for a post card... Gotta Love Pink, Roses, Vintage goodies, Friends and Manners! You're a Sweetie!!

I hope you have a Fun St. Patrick's Day...
God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Pinkness today and I do love your roses, but the bunny cloche takes the cake.
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

love the tole tray.. happy pink saturday!

bj said...

Beautiful favorite is the tole tray! Just beautiful...

Nancy said...

Your bunny cloche is precious! Happy Pink Saturday!

HiHo said...

I've never seen the roses on a blue tray before, so pretty...
happy pink


Light and Voices said...

You posted such a sweet bunny.
Happy Pink Saturday on Sunday.

Shirl said...

Hello, Happy Pink Saturday! Thank you so much for stopping by! Very pretty post.
Bless you, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Unknown said...

Very pretty! That pink glass bowl is beautiful! Thanks for visiting my blog recently! :)


Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Lorena.

You just can't beat pink roses. That tray is gorgeous.