I really had good intentions on getting this ready and done yesterday. But sometimes life gets in the way. I apologize and will continue to participate and hopefully have this ready on time early next Wednesday.
Tuesday my sweet hubby found out he was "Let Go" from his job at FORD. Thankfully for us we were prepared mentally for this. But no one can prepare you for how you feel afterwards. I have been a bundle of mixed emotions..and do not as of yet quite know how to put them into words. Praise God we both are confident in God's Plan for us and know that whatever door he opens HIS best is always what He wants for us. The verses below are ones that God has given me to get me through this.
Philippians 4:6&7
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything with prayer and petition make your request known to God. And...the PEACE of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ our Lord.
This may be yet a test of my faith in believing my Lord and that HE really IS in control. How often do we get comfortable in our cozy lives that we lead and then BAM!!! something really hits us an makes us realized...we really do not have the control we thought we had. God has been getting this through to me for over a year now. I KNOW he has the bigger picture in mind. Whatever that may bring he wants us to be obedient to Him and just believe.
One of the neatest things about my husbands letting go was his calm. He was told by the manager that had to give him the bad news that he could not believe how well he was taking this. Well I know why...because he has had a Peace that whatever God has planned...we would all be okay. That is the Faith we have in knowing and trusting our Lord. We can have God's Peace even when life and beyond us IS uncertain. And yet, for that today I PRAISE HIM.
Please know if you are in a situation like this or in need of prayer I WILL pray over it. Just leave me a comment and when I read it I will pray for you. God Bless you this day.
Blessings in our All Knowing GOD...Lorena

Lorena, I'm sorry about your husband. Your thoughts are certainly in the right place. Blessings to you.
Hi Lorena,
I was kinda wondering why you hadn't posted.. Your come to Jesus post is right on! I'll be praying for you and your husband. Extra prayers are a good thing :) Take care sweet friend. God bless and lots of hugs, Deb
Thank you for reminding me to "be anxious for nothing...". What a lovely post. Your husband and you are in my prayers.
Lots of hugs for you and Gary. God is SO good and faithful, how wonderful it is to have Him to walk through this with you. I know He will deposit you to the other side of it into a better place. :) Some of the most terrible moments in my life were all transformed into the biggest Blessings of my life. I am excited for you in this new adventure He is giving you. Please do not fear, easier said than done I know, just know you are much loved by your friends, and we are here for you every step of the way. :)
Hi Lorena, what a lovely post! I'll be praying for ya! Come and visit my SOL blog! There is something there to cheer you up!!!!!
Love You!
Lorena, as you know my hubby and I have been there in this past year and the Lord had some wonderful doors open up for us and it has ended up being a blessing for us.
Yes there were some very hard times as you know but you know what I leaned on him and knowing that the Good Lord only gives us what we can handle.
I will be praying for you guys and know that you are not alone. Miss chatting and hope to catch up one day soon.
If you get a chance come see the new pics on my blog of Ms. Abby. It will surely put a smile on your face.
I am so sorry to hear about your husband being let go. The auto industry is in such rough shape right now. I'm glad you have such peace that you are in God's hand and that He will provide!
You are right where you should be-trusting God for his provision-I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Lorena, I am so sorry to hear about this, but you are so right in your words and faithfulness. I know that through this hard time, God has a better plan. We have been in this very same position 2 times and it was only our faith that got us through to better days. I know you have trust in God and that will bring you all the peace you need. God Bless you and Gary. My thoughts and prayers are with you in the days ahead. God has a plan!
Your friend,
Love ya, Celestina
la rea rose
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