Today I decided to go around my home and see what other pink goodies I could come up with and lo and behold...I have so many little floral arrangements in pinks of varying colors...I thought it might be fun to show them off to you. So I hope you will sit back with your cold/hot cup of coffee or tea and enjoy my Pretty Bouquets of Pinkness.

This vase was something my mom recently gave me. I know its over 50 years old cause it was a wedding gift. I sure love its fan shape and color!

This is a beautiful Tea Cozy that my sis gave me a few years ago. It has the prettiest PINK rose pinned bouquet on it!

This pretty vase, which is part of my growing pottery collections sits below my Singer sewing machine with these pretty PINK flowers!

A PINK spray of roses over one of my favorite pictures. This print was given to me many years ago by my grandmother who is 94. But the coolest part of it is this is a wonderful depictions of what someone thinks Jesus might look like, but it is done with the entire Words from the Book of Luke. Isn't that just the coolest thing?

These dried roses were from a bouquest that my dear hubby gave me. I always try to save them and use them somehow in my home. I painted the small clay pot and the decorated this all up.

Hope you have a blessed weekend...Happy PINK Saturday to all!
I love this weeks pink tour! The lampshade and vase are probably my faves.
I hope you have a great day!
Lorena, Happy Pink Saturday.
You have so many wonderful pink bouquets. Thank you for showing us around.
That is fascinating about the picture. It is such a treasure for you.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Love all your pink flowers!
~ Gabriela ~
Oooooo Lorena I love that birdcage, so chic! Happy Pink Saturday!
Beautiful flowers!!!
Happy Pink Saturday!!
Besitos from Argentina!!
Thanks for sharing, you have some beautiful pink florals. Very pretty.
Your house is adorned with such lovely pink flowers. They must make you smile when you look at them!
Happy Pink Saturday,
Take care,
Hello, Lorena! Love the pink floral tour!! You have a very pretty and cheerful place here in blogland :o) Happy Pink Saturday
OOO! I love all the pink roses and what you did with Jesus!
Just love Pink and one of these Saturdays I'm going to Play. Have a blessed Sunday, Lorena.
Hugs, Deb
Delightful roses!
I love the picture of Jesus and how you decorated it.
I also like you birdhouse.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hi Lorena, wow what beautiful pink flower arrangements you have. The vase from your Mother is just gorgeous. I love that bird cage too! Thank you for sharing all your pretty pink with us!
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
Beautiful! I especially love the arrangements in the aqua vases. And you've inspired me with the vase underneath the sewing machine. I must do that!
Oh, Lorena, you already know how I feel about you, your home and your paintings, sweet rose chick. They are all adorable!!!!!!
I love all the pink goodies.
Love the post. Pinkness to you. Kathy
Hey Lorena! Ohhh, your pink stuff is so pretty. I love the dried roses hubby gave you and the picture of your grandma's and that darling bird cage. Thanks for sharing....Have a great weekend!
Happy belated Pink Saturday! Your pink flowers are so pretty! Thanks for sharing!
Lovely flowers! I enjoyed all the pinkness. Happy Belate Pink Saturday.
Susie was in FYNA today and there was another "Lorena" in the shop at the same time. When you see her, ask her about it.We both heard her husband call out her name and we both just looked toward the door expecting you to walk in. It was very funny!
Your bouquets are just beautiful.
Sorry to be so late getting to look at your PINKS but there were so many and I am just not very fast.
hugs, bj
It's all so pretty. I do especially love the aqua cornucopia in the first photo.
What a lovely post. I was fascinated with the rendition of Jesus. I enlarged it to see if I could see more detail...I bet it is even more amazing in person.
I'd say you qualify as a PINK KIND OF GIRL with all your bouquets...such a happy color!
Blessings on your day,
Hi Dear Freind,
I rec'd a special gift in the mail today:) Thank you for the sachet and note pad. That was very special and unexpected, and loved:)
I would love to see the picture of Jesus with the writing on it, close up. I hope you had a good weekend. I sure had a Great Monday. Hugs,Deb
Yay for pink! Love it all! Wouldn't we just love to paint the world pink ; )
Those are all so beautiful!
Hi Lorena...
Don't know how I missed your "PINK" on Saturday...gorgeous!
You're on our prayer list today, on our blog post DAY OF PRAYER.
I have known that *FEAR* many times and trusted the Lord the past 5 years I've been saved...and it's much easier NOW than it was THEN.
You and Hubby will be in our prayers.
Thanks for praying for everyone. I know the list is getting long! That's OK...that just means I may have to tighten it up a bit and post it differently! Easier to read.
Hi Lorena,
Just read that you could some prayer, so dear friend, I'm praying for you. :) Email me if you want.Love, Deb
There's nothing like *pink* flowers to make you smile! They are all so pretty! I love the lampshade!
Hi Lorena...
Since I'm not around alot during the day anymore...I'm asking that everyone participating in COME TO JESUS have their posts up and running no later than 9am Eastern time. This will free me from having to check and make sure your link is up when you post.
You can do your post way in advance and set it up by clicking POST OPTIONS in the lower left corner of your new post...and then set the date and time and it will automatically post.
Thanks for your understanding.
Let me know if you will be doing this and joining us NEXT week.
I can NEVER get enough pink! Woo Hoo!
That pic from your Granny is so special. It's wonderful that you have it and I'll bet you think of Granny every time you look at it.
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