Welcome to this weeks Come to Jesus...which is hosted by Jan of Jan and Tom's Place, please visit her blog to see the other participants this week. Yesterday Jan had a Prayer day for Tuesday...and it got me to thinking about prayer. And then as I was reading my devotions in My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers...guess what it was talking about...PRAYER. Now isn't that just the way GOD works...he reinforces something again and again that He wants us to see.
He starts in John 16:26...In that day you will ask in my name...
We too often think of the Cross of Christ as something we have to get through, yet we get through for the purpose of getting into it.
"Your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him"...Matt
6:8. Then why should we ask? The point of prayer is NOT to get
answers from God, but to have perfect and complete oneness with Him. If we
pray only because we want answers, we will become irritated and angry with
God. We receive an answer every time we pray, but it does not always come
in the way we expect, and our spiritual irritation shows our refusal to
identify ourselves truly with our Lord in Prayer. We are not here to prove
that God answers prayer, but to be LIVING proof of God's Grace.
When prayer seems to be unanswered, beware of trying to place the BLAME on
someone else. That is always a trap of Satan. When you seem to have
no answer, there is always a reason - God uses these times to give you deep
personal instruction, and it is not for anyone else but you.
Also, I wanted to add that one of my favorite chapters of the Bible is John 17. It is all about Jesus Praying for you and me. Let that sink in..He prayed for YOU! If you can begin to grasp this concept and know that everything in your walk with Him was prayed over...it may strengthen you to walk strong with him. He prays that we walk in unity with each other and be one and He was with His Father. If you get a chance today..sit a read John 17 and ponder on this amazing chapter.
I have purposed in my heart that everytime someone asked for prayer...right then and there I pray. I want anyone reading this to know...if you are in need of prayer...please leave me a note and be assured it will be prayed over.

Have a Blessed Day...Lorena
Thanks Lorene...this is an awesome COME to JESUS post!!
I like this statement of yours:
"Now isn't that just the way GOD works...he reinforces something again and again that He wants us to see."
That is what I've been seeing over and over again...about praying for others here in Blogland. As I was looking at blog posts...and seeing NEW blogs, more and more...there was the need of prayer! Or, I just sensed that someone needed prayer. I thank the Lord for that gift of "sense". So, after finding 12 people who wanted and needed prayer...I obeyed and did the DAY of PRAYER TUESDAY. What an amazing day!!! PTL!!
Hi Lorena,
I am thankful for bloggers like you who share their faith. It is helpful and a blessing to others :) I'm in a summer Bible study on Wed AM. Just 5 of us, taking turns meeting at each other's home, with kids/Grandkid.It also helps me with my walk. Thank you also for your willingness to pray for others.
Because of Jesus,
Hi Dear Lorena,
Hope your doing well today, we are having amazing weather, what a blessing that is! My garden is just exploding this year, the roses are the best I have ever seen them! Would love to share them with you, we could sit and have a cup of coffee and a scone, maybe some dark chocolate...HUM,maybe you better fly out here soon!!! :)
Lorene, Wonderful post. I love it and so glad to see you share your faith.
Hi Lorene! Great, great, great Come to Jesus post! I'm looking forward to seeing more! Thanks for stopping by today, I'm sorry you had trouble getting to the sermon... Copy and paste this link into your browser...
This should take you right to the message! Hope that this helps!
Lorena, what a beautiful post. It made my morning reading it.
I am going to ask for prayer for people out my way that were affected by a tornado on Monday. Many were not aware a tornado was coming and there is so much distruction around us. We are safe and sound with nothing more then tree limbs down but so many lost everything. If you would say a prayer for all of those people it would be great.
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