Thanks to sweet Vickie of Visuals by Vickie I have been tagged! So here goes....
Answer the following 5 questions about myself, then tag 5 others.
1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
10 years ago my daughter was 6 and in 1st grade. I met my dear friends Susie and we were volunteering at the school helping with the 1st grade reading program, logging items for our Huge Auction and I painted my 1st item to be sold at auction...which start my passion for painting, especially roses!
2. 5 things on my "to do" list:
1. Paint my craft room
2. Finish painting furniture for my craft room
2. Finish painting furniture for my craft room
3. Organize and arrange craft items in my craft room and make it pretty
4. Paint Items for ebay
5. Clean house!
3. Snacks I enjoy: Gushers, Ice Cream, STARBUCKS, really anything sweet..which I am now have hyperglycemia and should not eat any of the sweets! lol
4. Things I would do if I were a millionaire?
Travel, be debt free, give a way lots to help others, help our church pay off debts and my dd school as well.
5. 5 places I have lived:
Grew up in Bellevue, Federal Way, Kent, Washington, Now in Canton, Michigan...
I know a lot of ladies have done this one...but if you have not and would like to know so I can visit and see what you write.
Craft ROOM Work In Progress UPDATE...(for inquiring minds)
I got another small typing table painted! This was something my MOM grabbed from stuff that was being thrown out from the school I graduated from...a real oak vintage typing table...I just love this piece!
Yipppe...still haven't gotten to the walls....my hubby and daughter wanted to have some family time last night so we went off to the mall and had a very nice dinner together...maybe today...but I need to paint roses on some goodies for ebay...stay tuned!
What a steal you got with that typing table!!!
Smoochies, girlfriend,
Hi Lorena! I just got tagged for this too, lol! I loved reading yours :)
Hope you are having a beautiful weekend!
Love ya,
Looks like a great table. I am from Michigan too. I have meet so many bloggers from Michigan lately, how great is that.
Great for you that mom got you that typing table, this is something solid I need for my own studio which I am still working on.
Your painting is just beautiful, enjoyed looking at your pictures :)
I've been tagged from another blogster with the same questions! I'll be posting them tomorrow. Oh, I love that old desk! Just think of all the possibilities for it! I'll be eager to see what you do with it!
Life on Bonnie Lane
Hi Lorena,
My daughter concurs with the "blood, sweat, and tears" comment left about my house!!!
I can't wait to see the bookcase/buffet finished-I've been wanting to some of this type of combining but haven't yet. So do show...
I couldn't find the voting thing but my vote is either everything is the same or quite a bit of mix and match. for whatever that is worth:)
Have a great day or is it evening there already?
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