I have this wonderful little round of verses that I have kept from when I did Beth Moore's, BREAKING FREE many years ago. Many of these verses have been life sustaining for me. They were a part of the weekly time that we were to take and memorize them. Well, I am afraid that I didn't memorize all of them but I still keep this close, because they are so powerfer and healing.
From week Nine: Isaiah 26.3
You will keep in perfect peace
him whose mind is steadfast,
because he TRUSTs in you.
Powerful words, don't you think?
After the past couple of weeks, with banks failing and the stock market plumeting, its good to know in whom I trust. I admit that there have been many days I could have gotten very anxious about what is happening in the Global world as well. Especially when it affects many of us in our own savings and IRA's.
So when I read these words of how if my mind is steadfastly thinking of the LORD and his blessings in my life...rather than dwelling on world circumstance, a peace can be mine. You see, GOD ultimately is in control of all of this. He even says in his word he appointed leaders and allows them in place..good to know with the upcoming elections we face. He is orchestrating it all and our job is to really trust the final outcome to Him.
I am always reminded that he states he will take care of my NEEDs not my wants. A perfect peace is one... that when all that is going on around us seems out of control...our source of steadfast thinking is really from the LORD. He is our rock, our fortress, our help in trouble. He is GOD, he is the GREAT I AM. That brings me comfort and I hope it will you. Are you fully trusting him today?
If you have a prayer request to share...I'd love for you to post it and I will diligently pray for you.
Have a blessed day!
Beautiful post and so true... and I love the scriptures too. Hope you are having a great day!
Hi Lorena :)
Thanks for stopping by and I've been making cards like crazy, plus the "other" stuff that comes up :)
How's hubby and "stuff" at your home..keep looking up.
Big Hugs,
Amen, I know my peace comes from the Lord, especially in times of trouble when it doesn't make sense that I should be at peace! God bless!
Victoria Lynn
Hi Lorena!
Great post! Thank God He is always there for us! When all else fails He is still there!
Thank you for God's word today!
Hugs, Sherry
I've tagged you, come and see me!
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