Welcome to Rosechicfriends!
I am joining Karen over at
My Desert Cottage,
(click above to see other participants)
for the 4th Annual blog celebration of
*Where Bloggers Create*!
I am Lorena and I WELCOME you to my creative space!
I am so happy to be joining Karen for my 3rd year in sharing where we bloggers create.
I am a painter of Roses, make clay Roses from polymer and an avid crafter who loves most anything to do with roses. I have sold my items on ebay and now currently sell my creations on etsy.
I feel so blessed to be able to have transformed a 4th bedroom in my home into my studio. With the help of my sweet hub I transformed this smallest of rooms into a Creative Oasis for me in 2008. Before that time I had a room in our basement...but I began to realize I need a window to the world. This year in January I knew it was time to tweak my space once again...we creative types are in a constant state of tweaking, dontcha think?
What spurred me on was the need of more surface space to paint and craft. I also needed to move the furniture just a bit to place those things I used most closets to me, and those things I used less, into other areas. Being very visual, I LOVE my eye candy so I also wanted to make sure that HOW I store my creative things is pretty and pleasing to my eye.
The first four pictures gives you an idea of how the room looks from different angles.
This picture, below, is where I keep many of the items I have painted and created. A great shot of what I look at when I am sitting at my table.
I used many pieces of furniture that I painted in heirloom white as ways to store my overflow of goodies I use. Want to see more? Well I took plenty of pictures to share with you ways that I have stored and used *found* objects in my room.
This is my *hutch* that I created taking an old buffet and shelf and marrying them together. I now have most all of my fabric and floral pieces housed here. Below, behind the doors, I have batting and spray paints that I use, but not as often as other things. The corner shelf has more goodies that I
use too.
I am being brave this year, and showing you the inside of my closet. Most of my papers and extra items that I may keep for creating are kept here. I also have a small storage area in our basement for other items that I may work on in the future...but I am NOT gonna show you that room...hehehe.
I also like to keep some of the created things I use out, until they go to a new home. Part of loving pretty *eye candy* and having it around me.
Okay, I just shared the exterior or to the left wall of when you come into my room...
Now lets move over to where the creating really happens.
I took a folding table and have covered it with a pretty twin sized vintage sheet. A wooden crate houses things I use a lot. My glue gun is a constant and ALWAYS is out. The pinks and white ribbon are just a sample of the ribbons I have. More ribbon is actually housed in the right drawer in my hutch. I also have a neat (just given to me) desk that works so well as my sewing table and it is also where I ipad stays when I am in this room. I have my buttons and glitter stored in the shelf above the sewing machine. I also love the peg board I created just for my scissor storage.

What you don't see? Well the larger white surface was originally the top of a drafting table. It was just too high, so I took the table apart...placed my 4 plastic containers in the center and now I have hiddened icky containers, but keep them close at hand with items I need all the time. I then took a coordinating sheet and glued it all around the edges to *hide* my storage. Pretty clever way to keep my room chic not shabby!
Are you still with me?
The last pictures are once again, more storage containers or shelving.
Pretty boxes for storage.
A sweet book shelf, that has many decorating books, reference materials, guides, how to's, and my 1980-1990's collection of Victoria Magazines.
Moving now, around to the largest wall space...
You see here the many prepped items that need painted. I also have a collection of Glove Boxes that I use to keep my hand made clay roses that I make in. I sell these in my etsy shop for others to use in their own projects, as well as, using them in own designs.
This old dresser was actually mine as a child. I has had many transformations. I brought it into my room in January. It was such a great addition to my storage needs. I have stacked a 9 shelf cardboard container, which houses a lot of my laces. On top I have 2 utility multi-drawers and more of my laces and trims. Inside the drawers I have also place more trims and needed items for crafting.
Oh, and YES, I did paint those roses on here...but they are probably well over 10 years old. It was before I really started to paint and sell my items. At that time I would paint on just about anything. Lol..other painters out there can probably relate.
There it is, my crafting studio bedroom. I feel so blessed to have this room and a sweet, cheery place to go to during my days.
Now, for my giveaway...
Because I LOVE to share and I LOVE giveaways I thought this would be a great opportunity.
I decided to give away my last *PINK Princess Angel*
All you need to do is leave me a comment and tell me you want to be entered.
If you do not specify this, I will assume that you do not want to be entered.
So PLEASE let me know if you want a chance to win my angel.
That is all you need to do.
I will choose a winner on July 31st.
Last, I thought I'd leave you with just a few of the goodies that I have created this past year. I have this sweet feather tree all decorated with many ornies I have made...I love to leave it out on display for me to enjoy all year long.
Thanks again for stopping by!
I cannot wait to see the amazing spaces
Where Bloggers Create!
Be Blessed