God gives me grace when HE erases my mistakes and failures and covers them with His Love. When I accept His Love, He empowers me to overlook the faults of others also and to accept them as they are in Christ.
"For it is by Grace you have been saved, through faith ~ and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God" Ephesians 2:8
G ~ God's
R ~ Riches
A ~ At
C ~ Christs
E ~ Expense
I used to have a hard time understanding what Grace really was. It was a word that I knew apllied to what Jesus had done for me but I just could not grasp in my mind what it was. Then upon hearing the accrostick for know like a light bulb going on. I finally *Got it*. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice for My sins. His life was taken so that I might have life...and have it fully. It was Jesus' gift to me...freely given...of no cost to me ever. All I needed was to accept it. Have you received this Free Gift for him yet?

My Chenille Bedspread Collection
I wanted to share a small collection of Chenille Bedspreads that I have been picking up over the past few years. I do have 3 that were from my Mother-in-laws that I just love as well. They are the Bright Yellow, Blue with the chenille trim, and the colorful Lavendar Basket. Many of these were found at the thrift stores I frequent. My newest is a bright pink bedspread which is folded and in a little niche in a dresser that I use to display them from. They just have such a nostalgic feel for me...I don't know why...but I love them.
These last pictures are of the pale yellow chenille spread I put on my King Sized Bed...and it is special to me because of the wonderfully threaded rose pattern throughout the entire piece. I tried to get a close up for you to see.
Isn't this Chenille Bunny the cutest? My sis gave him to me a few years ago for my birthday...a very treasured gift, that is for sure! I just love him, and he gets to sit on my bed all day!
Very well said, my gorgeous friend!! I agree completely.
Dear Lorena,
How sweet of you to visit my blog and leave such kind comments! I am enjoying your beautiful blog.
Thank you for your encouraging and lovely post about God's grace! I am so thankful we are saved by grace through faith in Christ and that He continues to give us grace. I need the Lord so desperately!
I am so glad that you, like I, find your comfort in the Lord. I am so sorry you have had such a long trial. It is difficult, but the Lord is using our trials for His glory and our good. He always sustains us and I pray He will give you comfort and peace and joy that can be found in Him alone! I am learning more each day to trust in Him. I am so thankful to have Him in my life too!
You paint beautifully and I see we both have a love for roses! It is such a blessing for me to know other lovely ladies that love to keep their homes and make them cozy and inviting and share the same love for the Lord!
Your chenille blankets are so pretty!
Love what you said about Grace, it's what kept crossing my mind in Church on Sunday. We need to love those that are not always so lovable.
Wonderful explanation of the meaning of grace. I will have to remember that!
I am starting to really like chenille too. My shower curtain is part chenille and I love it so much, but holy cow, when you wash it the chenille sheds and leaves all kinds of fuzziness!
Good morning Lorena,
I think I understand Grace better as I get older. I keep finding that I keep falling short-but I am forgiven and loved anyway! And you're right-that helps to deal with others too. THANKS for the
encouraging words.
I love that bedspread with the basket-so vintage!
Have a great day!
Hi Lorena!
I'm so glad that I know Jesus as my Lord and Saviour! I don't know why he would die for someone like me but he did and I'm so thankful for that!!
Thank you for reminding me of His wonderful grace today.
I love chenille, my bedspread was pale yellow chenille growing up and I wish I still had it sometimes.
Hugs, Sherry
Lovely post!
Sandra Evertson
Beautiful Beautiful post Lorena and so TRUE! Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
Your chenille is just beautiful!!!! I have always loved it. I dont have any though, loL! Hmmm ~ a new collection perhaps?? LOL!
Love ya lots,
I too am in awe of the Grace that I have been given. Sometimes I am so overcome with Love for The Lord that I can barely contain it. Thank you for sharing that . :)
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