Hi Dear Bloggy Friends!
If you or someone you loved lost
everything they owned,
everything they owned,
what would you do?
There are many still in Great need after
*Super Storm Sandy* hit the New York area.
The story is no longer making
the headlines,
but people are still in great need of the
the headlines,
but people are still in great need of the
I have a sweet contact, Indra,
who is in the midst of
who is in the midst of
of an area that seems to be forgotten.
She has been working since the storm
hit to HELP others
She has been working since the storm
hit to HELP others
right around her that need everything.
I was privileged to send out
some gift cards, but am now
aware that more is needed.
some gift cards, but am now
aware that more is needed.
I could NOT walk away.
Will you Help?
What can YOU do?
1. Help me get the word out. Could you
do a post on your blog? Share with friends
you know?
do a post on your blog? Share with friends
you know?
2. You Can Send a Box of Needed items
(see list below).
There is no middle man and I trust
Indra to get items out to those in need.
(see list below).
There is no middle man and I trust
Indra to get items out to those in need.
If you choose to fill a box,
Please, contact me so that I can give
Please, contact me so that I can give
you her address,
I will not print it here due to being
I will not print it here due to being
cautious of others who lurk to harm.
Mark your BOX with SANDY.
BASIC Necessities
winter coats
gloves/work gloves
plastic wrap
children's toys
3. If filling a box is something you are not
able to do, could you donate?
able to do, could you donate?
I WILL make sure 100% of those funds
help send boxes and purchase
more needed items and gift cards.
help send boxes and purchase
more needed items and gift cards.
Nothing, I mean nothing is going to me
or anyone else.
Thank you so much for stopping by today
and reading this!
Dear Lorena, I came right over when I got home today and read your email. It is heartbreaking that so many are still in need of basic essentials.
I would be glad to place a link with your post on my blog so others can be made aware of the help still needed and pass the word to others on my email list.
All through the year helping others is an important part of life, but even more so now at Christmas time.
You are a dear my friend and God has richly blessed you with a giving heart.
Thank you for stopping by today, your kind comment and special friendship.
Love you, Celestina Marie
Sweet Lorena...
I will do a post on this later this evening. I'm sorry I haven't touched base with you...my life has been a whirlwind. I have to have surgery on my hands just after Christmas and so squeezing everything in before hand is a challenge. I won't be able to do anything for six weeks and it's stressing me out I'm afraid. :( :( :(
Still...I have so much to be grateful for!
I'm happy to help any way I can. You are blessing the world. You are the hands and feet of Christ.
Your are loved...
How is your response to your sweet charity and big heart going? I'm praying people will open up the pocket books as well as their hearts and help those in need. Earlier in November Steve and I donated through the Red Cross. I sooo hope everyone will do a little bit.
Blessings...Love, R
Lorena, thank you for Indra's address. I sent off two boxes today, so I hope they will help a little. I hope you had a good response.
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