Well, it has been awhile since I last updated you all on whats been going on in our lives in regards to my hubby's job. My beloved and I, after much prayer are taking possibly this BIGGEST steps of our 23 marrieds years.

After 10 Looooong months of continuous looking for a job, searching the internet High and Low, to no avail. No doors have opened up, no serious interviews, much agnozing and questioning God as to HIS purpose in all of this has gone on.

Prayerfully together we began going down another path. We began with a Franchise finder. We have found something that may be a good fit for us. Mind you, I am NOT looking for a full time job. God knows my frailities and this opportunity would let us work out of our home.

We leave THIS Saturday for a quick 2 day trip to Austin, Texas to visit the Home Office of the Franchise we are thinking of doing. IF, this is where GOD is leading...we urgently could use your prayers. We want complete PEACE from GOD and HIS blessing in moving forward.

I would so much appreciate those who of you who are such GREAT Prayer Warriors and those who have so sweetly continued to keep our family in your prayers to Pray really hard. We need to make a decision by June 30th.
Prayfully Trusting in HIM,
Good luck with that to the both of you! I've just said a little prayer for you both. Hope all goes well.
Sure will pray for the Lord to direct your steps...and show you clearly ....if this is a good thing for you both?
let us know..
Of course I'll be praying for you and God's direction and Peace with these up coming decisions.
Can't wait to see what happens.
Deb :)
If it is right you will have Peace. One of the reason I love visiting with the elderly is because they've lived through everything we sometimes fear will overtake us and made it through!
You will make it through this. God has a plan and HE WILL MAKE A WAY WHEN THERE SEEMS TO BE NO WAY...
Hugs to you...and love.
Big steps are always so... BIG! But we've done some huge things yet had God's peace about it. Then there's been little things that just felt- YUK! NO! STOP! So yeah, I'm with Rebecca, look for that peace. ♥
Prayers lifted!
If there is one thing I do good it's praying for others. I will pray that you and your husband will know if this is the job for you and that if it is you feel imediate peace. My husband has also been out of work. We will pray one person at a time back into the working field.lol
God Bless Kath'
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