Oh...I don't know about you but I am ready to put Winter to BED!!! I mean...22 degrees and a -0 wind chill today...here in sunny (not usually) Michigan!!! So...once again, I have had to be creative and paint my spring...well not really, but I am always looking for inspirations to combine my roses, flowers and any ole thang that suits my fancy! So ladies and gents....I have done a sweet lil chickadee who is snug and cozy sitting by my roses, lilacs and pansies isn't is just the most preciouse thing ever?....SPRING...Where are you?
I hope you enjoy my lastest creative endeavor!
And...I just couldn't resist showing you one of my recent ebay items that just sold...A sweet Silver Plate Tea Set....
Lorena, I love this painting! All of your new items for spring has been so beautiful! I wanted to bid on this and the tray but dont want to bid against our sweet Sharon :) I LOVE your work and the addition of the birds is just the icing on the cake! Beautiful job!
I love LOVE LOOOOOOVE that painting!!
Smoochies to ya, chickee
Lorena, once again a beautiful creation from your talented hands.
I love it and also the tea set is gorgeous.
La Rea Rose
Hello Lorena, I just love your latest painting, all my favorites, roses, hydrangea, pansies and chicks! Your work is just beautiful.
Shirl, Shirls rose cottage
Lorena, this is such a beautiful painting. You are one very very talented lady! And a precious friend! Miss you!
Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents
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