Rose ~ Chic ~ Friends: My blog is all about you; friends and sharing lifes journey...My love for all things Chic; repurposed, crafted, painted in many venues... and My LOVE for all things Roses! which show up in my home and created projects.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

TOOTH Story! ~ Not for the Faint of Heart

I sure have been MIA this week...not felt well and knew I had been nursing a tooth that needed attention. But you have to know my history at the dentist to understand that I HATE GOING TO THE DENTIST! lol After 2 weeks of throbbing pain that would go away with prescription strength Ibuprofen and then on Tuesday that throbbing became sharp pain...I KNEW it was time.

I was convinced that this tooth would need to be pulled. I had previously talked with my dentist after a quick consult with her and worked out the details. I did not leave then with an appointment cause things hadn't worsen. But as the last 2 weeks have gone by, I began to feel tired and knew I was dealing probably with some type of infection and then with this pain getting became clear that NOW was the time.

So there I was at 8:30 Thursday morning sitting in the dentist chair waiting for my lip to numb...which for me doesn't happen easily or quickly. You see my history is...I have a very low lying nerve that does NOT want to numb...many times in the dentist chair I have just about jumped out of it to grabb the drill from the dentist. So I of course made sure they remembered..and they made sure I had lotsa numbing shots...probably when it was all said and least 10 shots were administered. Do you now understand why I HATE TO GO TO THE DENTIST?

Now why did you choose to have your tooth pulled, you may ask? Again my history...I have had at least 5 root canals with crowns. Of those said crowns, I have replaced at least 3 crowns due to continuing decay under that said crown. One tooth finally was pulled after 2 root canals and root calcification. This paticular tooth I was pulling is the very last molar on my left...which in a small mouth, as my dentist told me..makes anything type of work hard to do. I felt that pulling it was the best for my overall health. I also have had so much filling and dental work that I am trying to minimize what I need for the remaining years of my life! 2 HOURS tooth was out! YES, It took that long!

I also did agree that I would now do a bridge for the missing tooth on my upper left, since the dentist was very clear if I didn't, my mouth would be compormised. She knew that I have a very sensitive bite, which easily gets off with any dental work. They used to tease me that I am the *Princess and the PEA*...cause any slight adjustment will send my poor mouth into TMJ! So now I have more dental work to look forward to! I HATE GOING TO THE DENTIST!!!

Now I assure you all...I brush and floss every day. I was born with a poor teeth and probably before dentist knew much about how good flouridation helped your teeth. many, we live with what we are dealt with. I hope, like the above picture..the pain will stop and I will be smiling once again.



Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your horrible time.... I always said that with all the progress that has been made in the medical field why is dentistry still in the dark ages????
Thinking of you....

Connie said...

I understand that, chickee, but I loooove going to the dentist. It means he's going to make it all better! I understand the pain though. Mine is still hurting from a wisdom tooth extraction from 10 days ago. It'll get better though for you, sweets!

Rebecca Nelson said...

I've got lots of Dentist stories...a few good and lots not so good!

I too was born with yucky teeth. Mostly they were widely gapped and when I as in 9th grade FINALLY had braces put on... I wore them for 4 years...long, long years.

When I was 30 I was told I had to have braces again to correct a bite that had gone wrong...

On they went...two more years....

Last month I went to the Dentist again to ask WHY my bottom front teeth were beginning to gap...

He said this (not kidding!)...

"Ever think of wearing braces?"


I told him he was NUTSO and I left (not kidding!).

Crazy Man! Stupid Me!


blushing rose said...

We had a VERY MEAN dentist as children. He would burn our tongues with the drill & even let some of our teeth that had a little cavity go, despite our pointing this out to him ... one time he even slapped a child in the dentist chair.

I HATED dentist forever until I found the one we have had for 23 years.

I feel your pain, your hesitation ... get well soon.
TTFN ~ Marydon

Shirl said...

Hi Lorena, I'm so sorry to read of your horrible time with that tooth. I understand what you went through, I have the same problem with getting numb. When I was a senior in high school I passed out in the dentist chair from the pain. I told him I was not numb and he did not listen!
I'm glad you will be on the mend now.
Bless you, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Unknown said...

I couldn't read it...I have dental woes myself, LOL! I am sorry to hear you are having tooth issues and hope all is healed up soon.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Ihave spent more time in the dentist's chair than anyone I know....I hate it....but am so thankful for laughing gas. I have enjoyed reading your blog.
I have started the posts from our most recent "Grandparent Disney trip" with a look into the eyes of my little guys from this "Grammy"! Also every comment counts as an entry for the May giveaway. (See Monthly Card Box Giveaway")! Stop by for a visit when you have some time.


Hi Lorena,
You poor thing...ICK..Yuk.. OUCH...
I am not FOND of the dentist either and I have dental work isn't fun and I leave Exhauted from a cleaning...
You have my deepest sympathy...
On another note...I found some S&P and will send them out next week with a note!!!
Take care.
Deb :)

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

OUCH! I'm so sorry you're going through all this pain and trauma. It's just no fun, is it? I have a very small mouth too.......yep, my hubbs would disagree...... but I do and holding my mouth open for dental work is nasty stuff. I hope you get everything all worked out ASAP...

Warm blessings,