Hey friends!
Do you ever have those times where there just
seems to be no words? I don't want to call it writers block but it
doesn't seem like anything is
coming to mind?
I've been having those type of days lately.
Of course having a horrid migrane
for days on end doesn't help either.
Well...my headheads feeling better today.
I just got back from being at
Choir Practice for Easter Sunday.
Oh how the singing has lifted my spirits.
You know the past year and a half have been some
of the most difficult times in my life that
I can ever remember. A child in a crisis
situation and a hubby loosing a job are bound
to shake your whole foundation, that is for sure.
God has been a constant...but
I have not always been the best student through
this walk.
Many tears shed, sleepless nights,
wrestling with what seems a
silence and at times a
lack of direction.
I am learning that I cannot worry about the
future...but take each day as it comes.
That is not always easy to do.
Easter Sunday brings me back to
what LIFE is really about!
For me, it's knowing that what
was done on a cross over 2000 years
was for me...
a sinner...
in need of
Though life right now holds no
answers to a hubby who
has not been able to find a job...
his hands.
Easter Blessings to you all!